Christmas Greetings of the Convention Committee
Coffee House and Pizza House Ministry
Baptism in Lancaster
Those baptize are follows: Katherine Dankulich, Vanessa Lakatosh, Anna Ridkodim, Roman Shumylo, Tymofiy Kondrak, Yevheniy Tanchyn from the church of Philadelphia, and Petro Vorontsov, Roman Blyzyuk, Tatyana Kelly from the church of Lancaster. Pastors Leonid Blyznyuk and Viktor Shchipailo conducted the baptism in a lake. After that, pastors Anatoly Moshkovsky, Leonid Blyznyuk, Viktor Shchipailo, Dmytro […]
10th Conference of Ministers in Florida
Present at the conference were representatives of 15 churches from two Ukrainian Baptist Associations, located in the United States. There were also guests from Ukraine: Valeriy Antonyuk, the head of the Baptist Union of Churches in Ukraine, and Mikhail Khrapak, the pastor of the central church in Zhitomir. During the conference, the main discussion was […]
“Active Faith” Youth Conference
Visit to brother Ivan Kovalchuk
After his stroke, as well as the development of Parkinson’s disease, John’s physical health has deteriorated. Despite his condition, during the meeting brother John did truly pastoral prayer, in which he remembered our churchs, younger ministers, and asked the Lord to bless the future of our Convention, as well as churches. Brother John and his […]
The Seminar on the Reformation
On March 22nd, brother Sergiy Sannikov presented “The Slavic Bible Commentary” at the Ukrainian Church of Crum Lynne, PA. He is the chief editor of the one-volume edition; all the Biblical commentaries and articles were written by our domestic authors. Brother Roman Kapran, one of the authors who wrote a commentary on the Letter to […]
Study for God’s glory
Baptism in Minneapolis
“Service of Love” at the church of Minneapolis
This time is a difficult one for our close relatives, brothers and sisters in Ukraine, and we believe God gives us this opportunity to manifest His love through His children. “So then, as we have opportunity, let us work that which is good toward all men, and especially toward them that are of the household […]